I don’t know if you’ve heard of The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, but he has some really good ideas. My particular favorite is the Love Tank idea, where you ask your partner if their love tank is full that day. This shows that you really care enough for the partner to make sure they feel loved. Everyone has a little emotional tank that doesn’t always feel full. In order to fill it up you have to know where the level is and how to fill it. It’s a good idea to have your partner fill in the free five love languages quiz to figure out how your partner recognizes love when received so you know how best to fill their love tank. Some people prefer attention, words, physical touch, gifts or just spending time with you. There can be miscommunication sometimes where one partner thinks they are communicating love by working hard and bringing home money, but the other partner only sees that they don’t spend enough time together because she is at work all the time. Get to know your partner’s particular love language, ask them how full their tank is today and try to fill it using the language your partner understands. Free quiz: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/profile/. Visit me at www.feathersinfinity.com
The short answer is Yes. The future is changing all the time because of the choices we make. We have free will, and the reading you received was based on the conditions present at that time. You can make a decision in the future that will cause you to turn down another path. For instance, if the reading said you will meet someone who you will marry in 3 months, you could still miss that person. Why? Well, you could not go to the party that your guides and angels thought you would go to. Or maybe you didn’t go to the grocery store that day because there was a CSI marathon on TV that you just couldn’t miss. Or, maybe this future love interest decided to move to Canada. Whatever the scenario, the future is changing all the time. I always tell my clients this because we do have free will. I’ve had experiences where what a psychic medium told me did come true, and I’ve had another scenario where the future did not unfold as predicted because another party made a decision to do something else. Since we have free will and there are many variables involved with the future nothing is set in stone. If you don’t like your future I would suggest doing a Theta healing on your fears and beliefs. Sometimes we have subconscious beliefs that prevent, block or push away what we want. Subconscious beliefs can be on the current life, genetic, past life or soul levels, so you may not even be aware of some of them. I’ve done work on myself to help my business and personal life as well as others, and I can tell you that you can change the future for the better. So, if you don’t like your future, you can always change it! If you need a Theta healing, you can find me at www.feathersinfinity.com. I can do it over the phone or in person.
There can be numerous answers to this question, including if you are advertising to the right market, if your prices are competitive, if you are in a good location, and if you have good customer service. However, if you think you’ve conquered all of that and are still not successful then maybe there is something else you’re not aware of. Let me tell you my personal story:
I was told by many mediums and channelers that I would be successful in my own business. I was even given ideas by my guides on what I could sell that would help spread God’s light to the world. So I started to setup my company with a website and listings for my crystals and paintings on various popular websites. However, I was getting no sales, not even inquiries, for weeks. I couldn’t figure out why after I was encouraged by different psychics to go into business on my own and from what I could see I should have been able to make some sales. I am certified in Theta Healing, which heals subconscious beliefs and fears that we may be carrying with us and secretly sabotaging our efforts. Beliefs and fears such as “I can’t run a business on my own” or “I can’t make a profit” or “I will fail on my own”. I did some digging on myself and found I had similar beliefs and I cleared or resolved them on the core (current life), genetic, historical (past life) or soul levels. That very night I was able to sell something I listed, but it was something that was not from my new metaphysical business, just something I had around the house that I was selling. I still hadn’t sold anything from my new metaphysical business. Then I came to me in the middle of the night. I was told by a couple psychics that I had past lives as a nun and as a monk. People in these professions usually take vows or have beliefs that they shouldn’t take money for doing God’s work, let alone make a profit. I used Theta and found out I had such a belief or fear that I shouldn’t make a profit doing God’s work and it was sabotaging all of my efforts. I cleared and resolved that and within 24 hours I had my first sale from my new business, and the sales kept coming in after that.
First, there is nothing wrong with making a living. Psychics and healers often have problems not giving everything out for free, but there is really nothing wrong for getting paid for helping people. If you find that your business is having issues, and you believe you should be making money but just aren’t, maybe you should seek out a Theta Healer in your area and clear some beliefs and fears you may have that may be affecting your progress. Good luck! If you need a Theta healing you can find me at www.feathersinfinity.com. I can do it over the phone or in person.
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12:00 Readings Open
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6:00 Closed
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