What is the difference between a Psychic and a Medium?
To put it simply: All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.
A psychic is someone who can ‘read’ energy. This energy is typically called the Aura. Everyone’s aura contains the past, present, and the potential future of that individual. Each psychic receives information in the way that it works best for them. Each physical sense that we have, has a corresponding psychic sense. A clairvoyant can see images and energy. A clairaudient can hear sounds and words. A clairsentient can feel sensations and energy. Claircognesent is when things just pop into your head. Some psychics can even taste and smell information coming through. Each psychic uses the way that it works for them. There is really no advantage if they see it, feel it, or hear it. It only depends on how they best receive and interpret the information.
There are tools that a psychic can use to help connect them to someone’s energy. Tarot and Oracle cards are the most popular. Photos, pendulums, crystal balls, and tea leaves (just to name a few) can also be used. Everyone is born psychic, and it can be strengthened just like any other muscle.
Mediums can connect directly to deceased loved ones. They use the same heightened senses that a psychic does, except at a higher vibration of energy. The higher vibration is needed to meet the vibration of someone in spirit form. There are no tools needed besides the training and development of the medium. Again mediumship can be developed and strengthened by training and practice. All good mediums continue to grow and learn, so that they can better serve their clients and spirit.
When comparing the two different types of readings, it really depends on what you need at the time of the reading. A psychic reading is more about what is going on in your life, and your potential future. Nothing is written in stone, because we all have free will. Things can change at the drop of a hat. If you have questions about your life, the people in it, or just need guidance, then it will be a psychic reading that you need.
In a mediumship reading, the medium connects directly to your loved ones on the other side. They will bring forth information that only you could know about your loved one. This is called evidential mediumship. They should be able to give the sitter bits of information such as – personality, memories shared, what is going on in the current life of the person getting the reading (that is not psychic information by the way when it comes from the spirit), or anything else that the spirit person would like to pass along. It is a very loving and healing way to connect with your loved ones. It aids in the grieving process, and brings comfort, tears, laughter, and joy to the person receiving the reading.
When it comes to deciding which type of reading that would be most helpful to you, ask yourself, what do I need at this moment. You can’t go wrong when you listen to your own intuition.
I consider it and honor and privilege to be able to work and teach as a psychic medium. The more I learn and experience, the more I realize I don’t know. There is a whole universe to explore and learn about. Enjoy!
Love – Dream – Believe