Today, angel number 8 showed itself to me – eight of this and eight of that. A good reminder, as negativity (victim of a car accident) was trying to control me. I realized it was time to reverse that, and it works! Eight has 2 circles, one on top of the other, representing life – the negativity and the positivity.
Negativity happens. We know this. At some point we experience frustration, anger, despair, etc. But we also experience joy, happiness, kindness, love, prosperity, etc. And these emotions perpetuate themselves. In other words, the negative actions and feelings continue the circle of negativity, as does the positive continues the circle of positivity. We control it! We can change the force of negativity by recognizing it and then fixing it by replacing that feeling or action with a positive one. Then, the circle of positivity presents itself by allowing prosperity of the positive to flow.
Which circle do you want? The choice is yours.
Juliette Sweda